We have just entered week 2 of the official lockdown. As I’m sure is the same for many others however, this is not the start of week 2. Due to exposure of an individual displaying potential symptoms, myself and the contents of my flat are entering our third week. I cannot speak on behalf of them, but my own personal experience has clearly been divided into two parts. Put simply, week one was full of untapped potential that a freer schedule can provide. Plans were made, a routine was carved out using a template on excel and a to list was etched on a whiteboard in my room. The foundations were set, but week 2 descended into a disarray of such sparseness that upon reflection I can’t even identify anything specific that relates to a specific day.
During the second week, all it took was one lie in for the structure of that day to collapse and as I have often seen with my nutrition -as I’m sure many of us have- one bad day turned into a bad week. Despite the fact every day is like the b***** weekend I found myself postponing my routine till a day that in this current situation, has no context. Despite the nights growing longer due to the oncoming of spring, my days grew shorter as long lies become a necessity to combat sleepless nights.
It really is a vicious circle of later nights resulting in longer lies that mean further late nights. With a lack of mental and physical stimulation failing to provide the taxation required for me to feel a need for such rest and recuperation. I, therefore, write this after only two hours of sleep. Enough has become enough and like jet lag, I find myself having to readjust to the time zone I am in or accept the fact that the only ante meridiem times I’ll see would but that of the night rather than the day.
Therefore, I know two things that are true of myself during lockdown:
1. I need a routine
2. Routines without a dictated structure (i.e work) are f****** hard to stick to
Based on these two things, I thought it could be beneficial to share:
1. My current routine
2. How I am trying to stick to it
In the next blog post, I will share the routine I am trying to uphold, my non-negotiables providing some structure and the flexibility that it allows day to day. The post will then discuss the methods I will be implementing and also experimenting with to make this routine a habit going forwards.
These methods stem from the behaviour change training I have undergone and the most important aspect of it is remembering that it is unique to each individual. The motivation or incentives used will differ from person to person. Therefore, the methods put forward are by no means an instruction. Simply information that I hope resonates with anyone who, like myself, would like to maintain a routine and is also struggling to do so. Stay safe all of you and thank you for reading.